Biodiversity NPRA Planning Social Events Talks

Padel Tennis in the Park Bowl

Do you want Padel Tennis Courts in The Park Bowl? A Padel Tennis Company wants to submit a planning application for

Fundraising NPRA Social Events

King’s Coronation Street Party – tickets available now!

Join us for an afternoon street party in celebration of the King’s Coronation on Saturday, 6th May 2023 from 13:00

Fundraising Social Events

Nottingham Multiple Sclerosis Fundraising Committee invites you to MemSaab Gourmet Lunch

On Sunday, 2nd April 2023 the Nottingham MS fundraising committee have organised a gourmet lunch at MemSaab. Greeted with a

Fundraising Social Events

Earthquake Fundraising Event – Sunday, 19th Feb, 12.30pm at the Tennis Club

Dear friends and neighbours, Sadly, one year on from our amazing efforts to raise money to support the people of

NPRA Social Events

Second Sunday Social – with lollipops!

A reminder that this weekend it is the second Second Sunday Social of the year. January’s SSS was a total

Civic Society History

Ken Brand Photo Archive

In the recent Civic Society newsletter there were details about the donation of Ken Brand’s photos to the Nottinghamshire Archives.

Biodiversity Social Events Talks

Nottingham Organic Gardeners Spring Lecture

Nottingham Organic Gardeners are hosting Dave Goulson on March 25th at The Space on Arboretum Street. His talk is entitled

Biodiversity NPRA

Take part in the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch 2023

Count the birds you see in your garden, from your balcony or in your local park for one hour between

Fundraising Social Events

Fundraising Concert for Ukraine

“Do not forget about Ukraine. Do not get tired of Ukraine. Do not let our courage go ‘out of fashion’.”

Fundraising NPRA Social Events Talks

Spring 2023 Talks Programme

Our Spring Talks are back! They will be held as usual at the Tennis Pavilion, Tattershall Drive. Doors open from