Christmas Fundraising NPRA Social Events Talks

NPRA Events for Winter 2024

A reminder of all the events we have coming up through to the end of 2024. November Park Social Lunch

Fundraising History NPRA Park Card Social Events Talks

Money Sex and Politics . . . Talk this Thursday!

Well that’s what it says on the form. Scandals of Sherwood Forest.This Thursday at 7.30 at the Park Tennis Club Pavilion.

Fundraising History NPRA Social Events Talks

Autumn Talks 2023 – Line up & dates announced

As Autumn approaches, so do the Autumn Talks. We have a great selection this year to get you through to

Biodiversity NPRA Planning Social Events Talks

Padel Tennis in the Park Bowl

Do you want Padel Tennis Courts in The Park Bowl? A Padel Tennis Company wants to submit a planning application for

Biodiversity Social Events Talks

Nottingham Organic Gardeners Spring Lecture

Nottingham Organic Gardeners are hosting Dave Goulson on March 25th at The Space on Arboretum Street. His talk is entitled

Fundraising NPRA Social Events Talks

Spring 2023 Talks Programme

Our Spring Talks are back! They will be held as usual at the Tennis Pavilion, Tattershall Drive. Doors open from

Art NPRA Social Events Talks

Launch of the Park Arts Network

Monday 14th November 19.30-21.00 at the Tennis Club Pavilion, Tattershall Drive Following our recent survey 38 Park Residents responded about what arts

Nottingham City Council Planning Social Events Talks

Nottingham Caves Technical Guide Workshop

With many of Nottingham’s caves located in the Park, this workshop may be of great interest and use for many

Fundraising NPRA Social Events Talks

Autumn Talks – reminder

The Autumn talks are almost upon us so we thought it would be a good time to remind you of

Fundraising NPRA Social Events Talks

Autumn Talks 2022

The schedule for the series of Autumn Talks has been finalised. As usual all talks are to be held at