The Royal Platinum Pudding Competition is an important part of our celebrations inspired by the national competition involving Fortnum and Mason and the Palace. You may have seen it on BBC1 last week. If you missed it you can catch up with the programme using this link to the show in the BBC iplayer
Entries will be judged at the Street Party and awarded on the basis of taste, appearance and a memorable name.
- Prizes for the winning entries
- Judging by well-known local dignitaries
- Sweet puddings of all types welcome
You can find out a bit more on our dedicated page.
The good news is that there is still time to enter. All you need to do is send an email to stating your intent to enter by 27th May and then make the pudding or the cake ready for the big day, June 4th.
We have a first prize of a meal for 2 at MemSaab with 2nd and 3rd being champagne and Prosecco. For the main competition.
So why not use and show off your baking skills to create something fit for a Queen with an email of intent by 27th May