No one wants an online AGM, so we’ve missed a few – 3 in fact. I’m not sure what the excuse was in 2019, but we’re about to make amends.
We did announce this in January, but it’s now less than a week away, so time for a reminder. We’re holding it on Newcastle Circus as part of the Second Sunday Social, which runs as usual from 12 until 3pm.
So, if you want to find out what’s been happening behind the scenes, and about to hit you between the eyes, please come along and we’ll start proceedings at 1pm. Chairs will be provided but hopefully no tent.There are some issues we’d like your opinions on, so please come if you can. Memsaab Curries, Doh Pizza and the little Coffee Van will all be there throughout to sustain you.
You can find our accounts for 2021 here: